our prime objectives is to bring together all Meta people the world over, by ensuring that regular monthly or other periodic meetings are held at all the units of the association and that all the units participate fully in all Annual General Meetings (AGM); either physically or via the use of ICT tools.
ContactsThe Meta (MENEMO) people are known to have lived as a colony from Tadkon, some few kilometers west of Batibo town, at the fourth and last migratory trail of the Widikum tribe with Sanakang in Mamfe Sub-Division as starting point.
The ancestral father of the Meta people; Tembengkah with Akumekah, brought forth three sons who will become those to lead the migration, settlement and expansion of the Meta families in present day Mbengwi Sub-Division. These sons led these families as follows, in order of seniority that is respected within their ranks till date:
Other families who later join them are:
The above family groups make up what is today, the Meta Clan, generally referred to as The Meta People who occupy the administration unit called; the Mbengwi Sub-Division.
The language of the Meta people is; Itah.
iii) The father of the Meta people and first settler in the present Meta land is Teghenicha, in a place call, ”Zang-Mbeng” in the present day Zang-Tabi. This ancestral Fondom is at Zang-Tabi, from where the greater Meta people originated.